How Do I Turn Off Web Shield In Avast For Mac

Hey guys. When I booted up windows 7 after a session of Linux, my Avast webshield was disabled. I turned it on and I am unable to reproduce what seemed to have turned it off (Last thing I did in Linux was saved images to my windows

  1. Avast Web Shield
  2. How Do I Turn Off Web Accelerator
  3. How Do I Turn Off Web Discover

Edit Article How to Disable Virus Protection of Avast 2014 Free Version on a Windows PC. In this Article: Disabling a Single Shield Disabling Multiple Shields at the Same Time Community Q&A Anti-malware software protects your computer from any threats that may cause infection. How do I turn off Avast Web Shield - Find out more explanation for: 'How do I turn off Avast Web Shield' only from this channel. Information Source: google. Avast also offer free Ransomware Decryption Tools. Avast Blog for the latest cybersecurity news. This subreddit is not maintained by Avast Software or any of it's affiliates. The views of moderators here do not reflect the views of Avast Software. If you are having problems with Avast, feel free to post technical help questions here. You may also like how to disable avast antivirus firewall, how to disable avast mac security. Know about how to disable avast free antivirus Besides disabling total shields at once, Avast can also provide the function to temporarily switch off/turn off any particular shield.

Is it weird to have turned itself off? I had just formatted this computer, so I am not sure whether or not it is a virus. I did complete scans with SAS, MBAM, and Avast's boot scan earlier today before this happened. Only difference I made to my ntfs partitions after that was porting over some images from my external HDD while in Linux mode and editing a txt...
WebLogically, it is unlikely I have a virus. Here's what I have installed on my ntfs partitions:
Spybot S&D
VLC Player
Photoshop CS2 (legit copy, NOT a crack! The official files from Adobe's site and everything!)
Guild Wars (The game)
Renpy (visual novel maker)
The only other thing I have on my ntfs partitions for Windows 7 are images and mp3s I've ported from my external HDD while in Linuxmode.How Do I Turn Off Web Shield In Avast For Mac

Avast Web Shield

As you can see, I haven't gone on any suspicious websites, and my web activity has been severely limited so far. So what the heck just happened here? Does Avast simply hate dual boot computers? So far, Windows 7 is experiencing no other symptoms besides Avast's webshield being disabled.
It's worth noting before I formatted, I had a similar setup on my PC, and this same thing happened where Avast's web shield disabled itself and it also had a false alarm that a steam DLL file was win32:malware-gen, though after updating Avast and uploading the DLL to virustotal, I could confirm it was a false alarm.But the fact Avast's web shield was turned off until I turned it back on was what convinced me to format to a factory setting. But now.. The webshield turned it off again, despite formatting.
Common between before and now is the fact the webshield is disabled at windows 7's boot right after switching from Linux to Windows 7. And it does not turn itself back off even after resetting (As I've said, I've been unable to 'reproduce' it, except in this instance after I've formatted)
I'm seriously scratching my head here. I don't think I'm infected, but I really don't know. I'm pretty sure I'm not, but I wonder if there's anything further I can do to make sure? I scanned the only directories I ported over before this occurred, and nothing (As they're only .jpg image files...)
What makes me further scratch my head is the fact that my old VISTA computer has most of the same files and MORE, and yet, Avast on that computer NEVER had this issue! (However, it does lack a Linux dual-boot even though I port files from my USBs while running a Linux Live CD.)
So really... Am I possibly infected? Or does Avast simply hate computers with a dual-boot setup and GRUB? Any ideas at least how I may reproduce this anomaly?

How Do I Turn Off Web Accelerator

I want to know WHAT exactly went on here with Avast's webshield, because even though I have doubts of malware, this still has me paranoid as heck!

How Do I Turn Off Web Discover

Edited by Lishy, 07 August 2012 - 03:56 AM.