Does Avast Passwords For Mac Affect Keychain?


macOS uses keychains to help you keep track of and protect the passwords, account numbers, and other confidential information you use every day on your Mac computers and iOS devices.

ICloud Keychain is Apple's attempt at password management. It keeps all of your passwords and accounts for you and keeps them consistent across all of your devices. It can also generate passwords for you so that you don't have to keep coming up with strong passwords on your own. Here's how to set up. Apple's encrypted Keychain has always been a useful tool where I've kept my passwords, certificates, and especially notes. And for added security, users (like me) have always had the option to use a keychain password which is different than their login password.

You can use the Keychain Access app on your Mac to view and manage your keychains. When you use iCloud Keychain, you can keep your passwords and other secure information updated across your devices.

What is a keychain?

A keychain is an encrypted container that securely stores your account names and passwords for your Mac, apps, servers, and websites, and confidential information, such as credit card numbers or bank account PIN numbers.

When you access a website, email account, network server, or other password-protected item, you can choose to save the password in your keychain so you don’t have to remember or enter the password each time.

Each user on a Mac has a login keychain. The password for your login keychain matches the password you use to log in to your Mac. If an administrator on your Mac resets your login password, you’ll need to reset your login keychain password.

Keychain Access

You use the Keychain Access app on your Mac to view and manage your login and other keychains, and also the items securely stored in the keychains—for example, keys, certificates, passwords, account information, and notes. If you forget a password, you can find it in Keychain Access. Learn more about Keychain Access.

iCloud Keychain

If you use iCloud, you can have iCloud Keychain securely store the website login information and credit card information you use with AutoFill in Safari, and your Wi-Fi network information. iCloud Keychain automatically keeps that information up to date across all your Mac computers and iOS devices. iCloud Keychain also stores login information for the accounts you use in Mail, Contacts, Calendar, and Messages so it’s available on all your devices. Learn more about iCloud Keychain.

Tip: When you use passwords and credit cards online, you can let Safari store them in your keychain and automatically fill them in for you. If you also use iCloud Keychain on your Mac and iOS devices, Safari can fill in the stored information on any of your devices. See AutoFill credit cards, contacts, and passwords.

See alsoLearn how passwords are used on MacIf you forget your login password on MacIf you need to update your keychain passwordApple Support article: Set up iCloud Keychain

hello ,

i my MacBook was infected with some adwares and Trojan . Avast removed it after a scan .

I got many pop ups that /users/macbookair/library/keychains/login.keychain-db is infected with trojan and it is moved to virus chest .

Now i have 800+ saved passwords In my keychain and whenever I login into anywhere with saved password auto fill ( or manually fill the correct password ) I cannot login to that website , no emails login , no Facebook , no YouTube .

I did recovery of OS BY Command+R , didn't helped.

I erased OS and recovery , but deleted all my data and it worked . But I had to recover it with time machine backup as my data is precious .

so scanned again and it happened again by that anti virus .

I tried changing password of login in keychain


I even deleted login and created new but didn't helped

Does Avast Passwords For Mac Affect Keychain Passwords

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Does Avast Passwords For Mac Affect Keychain Access

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Avast Passwords For Mac

MacBook Air

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