Should I Use Avast For Mac

Active4 years, 8 months ago

We have a really small company ( 2 person ) and we just started it. There is a server with Windows XP (no need for Windows Server or anything else). Anyway, we need an anti-virus.

Should I Use Avast For Mac

How can I improve my Mac Pro's Graphics card? I use avast, but with a custom installation with only some features turned on. If you put a gun to my head and made me put those in order of best to worst though, I'd have to say Avira, Avast, and AVG. My two cents, the best anti-virus is Common Sense 2014. But if you absolutely need. Avast Passwords for Mac. All your passwords. All your credit card numbers. Always with you. Avast Passwords for Windows Avast Passwords for iOS Avast Passwords for Android Avast Passwords for Mac Manage your accounts across your devices the easy way. FREE DOWNLOAD with Free Antivirus Go premiumwith Free Antivirus.

Sync your Avast Passwords across all your devices and stay in control, for free. At home or on the go, keep your accounts on hand. Keep your Facebook locked and your banking logins private on multiple devices. If you use Avast Security on a compatible Mac system, Avast Passwords is installed by default. For instructions to download and install Avast Security on your Mac, refer to the following article: For instructions to download and install Avast Security on your Mac, refer to the following article.

Is it legal to use Avast Free! on the machine? I couldn't find anyhting like an EULA or use rights. We really do NOT need any more protection. Its a single Firebird SQL server.

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5 Answers

Avast for mac 10.7.5

Probably not, unfortunately. says it's free only for 'personal and non-commercial use'

Microsoft's Security Essentials seems good, and you can run it on 10 business machines.

UseRob FarleyRob Farley
3131 gold badge4 silver badges15 bronze badges

I suppose you can use ClamAV for Windows, the only feature not supported yet I suppose is real time scanning. It's open source so I don't think you should face any legal hassles if you use it for business.

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I'd agree with Rob.

The Avast site has separate pages for home and home office and business usage and only the home/home office page mentions the free version.

I think you could only use the free version if you were working by yourself from home.

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Microsoft Security Essentials is available for small businesses with up to 10 PCs. If your business has more than 10 PCs.


Avast for Business (the new cloud product that is beta testing now in December 2014) has a free for business version that includes Mac, PC now and android later in 2015. Free centralized management is included.

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Published February 24th, 2015 at 12:47 PM EDT , modified March 5th, 2015 at 10:28 AM EDT

The security community is ablaze with news of Superfish being pre-installed on some Lenovo computers. The primary issue concerning experts is that Superfish replaced SSL certificates, used for ensuring secure connections on the internet, with its own certificates. It turns out that the same behavior is being exhibited by software that many people are inclined to trust: Avast’s anti-virus software!

Replacing SSL certificates is a significant security issue. The lock icon shown by browsers when the user is connecting to an “HTTPS” site is an indication that the connection is being secured, using a form of encryption that relies on an SSL “certificate” issued by a trusted certificate authority. So, when you connect to your bank’s website, for example, a certificate is used to encrypt all data sent between your browser and the bank site. This protects you from snoops, who cannot see any potentially sensitive data being transmitted.

What Superfish has done is replace these certificates with one of its own, which gives the software the ability to intercept any data being sent to or from such a secure site. This is what security experts call a “man-in-the-middle attack,” meaning something or someone that interjects itself between two parties attempting to have secured communications. It should be immediately obvious that this is a Very Bad Thing.

Surely this kind of thing could only be done by unethical hackers, right? I mean, Superfish is essentially adware, and in my opinion has now crossed the line into malware territory. So we shouldn’t be surprised at its misbehavior. No legitimate software would ever behave this way, would it?

Don’t be too sure. I received an e-mail from a reader yesterday asking why he was getting an error in Chrome complaining that his connection to Google was not private. The error message pointed the finger at a certificate issued by a certificate authority named “Avast untrusted CA.”

Some testing this morning showed that Avast is replacing Google’s certificate with one of their own. On my test system, though, the Avast certificate was trusted. (I’m guessing the certificate on the affected reader’s system was outdated, and had not been properly updated for some reason.)

As can be seen from the screenshot, the certificate claims to be for Google, but was not issued by the authority that Google actually uses (GeoTrust Global). This means that Avast has complete control over the connection between the browser and Google, and has the power to intercept – or even modify – any data being transmitted.

Okay, who cares, right? I mean, sure, there are some potential privacy issues involved there, but in reality, most people don’t care much if someone’s monitoring their searches. Those who do are probably using a search engine like DuckDuckGo, rather than Google, anyway.


Unfortunately, this issue isn’t limited to Google. Suppose, for example, that you go to the Bank of America site to transfer some funds or pay a bill. As with Google, and as would happen with any other secure site, it turns out their certificate gets replaced with the Avast certificate. I doubt anyone needs me to lecture them on the potential security issues involved in having a third-party watching their banking transactions without permission!

This is an extremely serious issue, but surprisingly, it apparently isn’t new! Searching the web for “Avast untrusted CA” or “Avast trusted CA” shows that people have been aware of this on a small scale for some time. On Avast’s own forums, questions about this are treated as bugs – not because of the potential security issues involved, but because of whatever has caused the user in each case to become aware of the problem, such as the error message that brought this matter to my attention.

It’s unlikely that Avast is using the power to snoop on your communications for malicious purposes. I imagine that they are using this power to monitor secured communications for possible malware. For example, Avast is probably intercepting e-mail being transmitted securely between your mail server and your e-mail client so that it can be scanned for attached malware.

However, the issue here is one of trust. Should you trust Avast with this kind of access to your private information? Avast has essentially chosen to hijack your web browser’s security without your permission, inserting itself as a silent watcher into all your secure communications. Worse, Avast has a history of sometimes showing untrustworthy behavior in the past, such as including an adware component in their avast! Online Security browser extension. This is not behavior that should be tolerated, and I strongly recommend uninstalling Avast immediately.

Even if you trust Avast 100%, however, an added issue is the potential for new security risks. In the case of Superfish, for example, security researcher Robert Graham was able to crack the certificate being used by Superfish, due to a poor certificate password, and could have then launched his own attacks on unsuspecting users using that certificate. If Avast’s security is at all sloppy, their certificate could cause security issues that would not exist if Avast did not tamper with certificates.

To be fair to Avast, it’s entirely possible they are not alone. Other anti-virus software could be behaving in exactly the same way. A quick test of a number of other free Mac anti-virus apps this morning did not uncover any, but I did not test every anti-virus app out there by a long shot. Still, any other anti-virus software that might be doing this should also be avoided.

To determine whether your system might be affected by such an issue, go to in Safari. There should be a lock or “https” icon in the address bar, indicating that the connection to Google is secure. Click that icon, then click the Show Certificate button in the sheet window that drops down. The certificate should be issued by Google Internet Authority, which in turn falls under the authority of GeoTrust Global. If you see anything different, you may be the victim of a man-in-the-middle attack. This could be the result of other anti-virus software, or could be due to something else, such as a compromised network connection.



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Thursday, March 5, 2015 @ 9:45 am EST: After taking some considerable heat from some folks – including an Avast representative – in the comments below, it turns out that the situation is even worse than I initially realized. Avast is replacing certificates with its own without bothering to check the validity of those certificates!

So what does this mean? Suppose that there’s a malicious site out there that uses HTTPS, in an attempt to trick the user into thinking the site is legit. (Or perhaps a formerly legit site has changed hands and become malicious.) Then suppose the malicious intent of the site is discovered, and the certificate is revoked. Your web browser should warn you that the site is not trustworthy if you try to go there.

If you happen to have Avast installed, no such luck. Because Avast will replace the site’s revoked certificate with Avast’s own legitimate certificate, eliminating the error and allowing you to navigate to a site that you shouldn’t!

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Nobody needs to take my word for this. It’s trivial to test it if you have Avast installed, and have not disabled Avast’s HTTPS scanning: just navigate over to, a site designed for testing purposes that uses a revoked SSL certificate. As you can see from the screenshot at right, the site opens just fine, using Avast’s replacement certificate.

You may say that my hypothetical situation above is unlikely to happen. That’s true. However, the news in recent years has been frequented by stories about SSL certificate theft. Hackers can use stolen certificates to execute real man-in-the-middle attacks, tricking your browser into believing that it is visiting a legit site when it isn’t. Stolen certificates are generally revoked after the theft has been discovered, but this vulnerability in Avast will allow those certificates to continue to work.

I’ve had some tips that other anti-virus apps behave the same way, in particular BitDefender, Kaspersky and ESET. However, I was unable to bypass the revoked certificate using Kaspersky, and ESET’s Mac software appears not to do any kind of HTTPS scanning as far as I can tell. The jury is still out on BitDefender, as I haven’t yet been able to download a trial version. (I haven’t received the e-mail I need in order to download the trial software.) I’ll update later, after I’ve tested BitDefender.

This is precisely the kind of security issue that tampering with HTTPS can result in, and is exactly why it should not be done. Case closed.

Thursday, March 5, 2015 @ 10:30 am EST: I finally got a copy of BitDefender’s Mac anti-virus software, and it appears not to be doing any HTTPS scanning. It may do that on Windows – I have to rely on third-party reports there – but as best I can determine, it doesn’t have this problem on the Mac.

Thus far, Avast is still the only one I’ve found on the Mac to do on-by-default HTTPS scanning and to fail to check certificate validity.

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Tags: Avast, man-in-the-middle, SSL