Is Avast Necessary For Mac

Free Antivirus for Mac is also equipped with a File Shield, which scans all programs stored and executed from your hard drive. Everything is packed in a brand new GUI and is now available as a public beta. Need premium Mac antivirus protection? Say hello to Avast Security Pro. Avast Security Pro includes all the malware-crushing moves of its free little brother, along. Jan 12, 2018  Hence lab results become extremely important for my Mac antivirus reviews. Two of the labs I follow, AV-Test Institute and AV-Comparatives, test Mac antivirus,.

Something that doesn't exist can't be blocked. A virus is self-propagating software. It requires no user interaction to spread. These have yet to exist in any form in OS X/macOS. Every type of potential malware out there are Trojans. Something the user has to knowingly, or unknowingly install. It can't get on your Mac on its own.

Avast, and any other such software is a complete waste of time and system resources. They can't block Trojans (of which all adware falls under the same type of installation category). The AV software can't know something is dangerous until you install it. And it's pretty useless to tell you the software is bad after the fact.


I have seen multiple topics on these forums where the user has two, or even three types of AV software on their barely-functioning Macs, and they're loaded with adware and other junk. That should give you an idea how pointless AV software is.

Is antivirus necessary for mac

macOS has multiple layers of protection built-in to it. It needs no help protecting itself. If anything happens to get by Apple's defenses, it will get by third party junk, too.

Posted by4 years ago

Hello, /r/Windows10. I've been having an issue with antivirus programs, and with Windows Defender, I'm curious to know if I even need them.

I've used Comodo Internet Security for the past four years, but recently it's been a real pain in the ass to use lately. It's been blocking applications and deleting files without prompting me, and it was causing more issues than it was solving. Along with that, it was eating up a ton of memory and making my computer run like crap. So I finally called it quits and uninstalled it.

I downloaded Panda Free Antivirus afterwards, but I was having the same issue with it eating up my memory, only it was even worse than Comodo. I uninstalled that as well.

However, Windows Defender acts as an antivirus, without a 3rd party antivirus/firewall. Except, Windows Defender ALSO eats up a ton of memory. So right now I have it disabled until I decide whether or not to have it stand-alone or download something else. To my knowledge, you can't permanently disable Windows Defender, either. So I'm going to end up using it either way.

My question is, is another antivirus even necessary? And if so, is there an option for an antivirus that won't chew up all of my system memory and won't bog down my computer? Or is Windows Defender enough to keep myself protected? I'd say I'm pretty safe when it comes to downloading, so it's not like I'm unknowingly downloading unsafe files every minute. I've never had an issue with viruses or malware because of my safe habits.

Avast Free Mac Security Reviews

EDIT: I should probably add, if I'm going to use a 3rd party software, it needs to be free.

Avast Download For Mac