How To Temporarily Disable Avast For Mac

How to Disable Avast Antivirus in Windows 10 and Mac OS? Click the arrow sign (^) from the bottom right corner of the taskbar and right-click on the Avast icon. This will open a pop-up menu. In Mac OS, there is no anti-virus application unless you bought one and installed it yourself. The same is true for Windows anti-virus. If you bought an anti-virus application, take a look at the ReadMe file for it, or submit a question to the maker of it.

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Wayne Allen
Two operations that I cannot locate in the newest free version:-
1] How to temporarily disable AVG since it interferes with System Restore?
2] How to have a full computer scan automatically start every time that I switch on my computer?
Presumably, these two options still exist and I just have not looked in the right places.
Hoping you can help.
P.S. I most definitely preferred the old layout which seemed more user friendly.
  • April 24, 2017
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Gunaseelan Gurusamy(Avast)
Hello Wayne,
We are really sorry, since we updated our AVG programs to 2017 version, it is not possible to install the older versions of 2015 or 2016. The new version has new enhanced features, you can disable AVG Anti-Virus free using the below instructions :
Open AVG Zen -> Click on Anti-Virus Free -> Click on 'Menu' -> Settings -> Disable all components (Resident Shield, Software Analyzer, Email Protection (Disable Until restart)).
You can schedule a scan at a particular time, daily and weekly, click on the link to show how to schedule scan :
Please, feel free to let us know if you require any further assistance. Thank you
  • April 24, 2017
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Wayne Allen
Hi Gunaseelan,
I get to 'Settings' but I can see no option to disable any individual component or 'Disable Until restart' although I am offered the chance to 'Uninstall' components individually but, presumably, if I uninstall components I will need to re-install either the individual component somehow or even a total re-install of AVG. Where do I go from here?
I had worked out the scan scheduling but could not see an option for a scan to commence at computer switch on. If I schedule a scan to start when my computer is switched off will this scan automatically start the next time that I switch my computer on? When you press the 'Scan Computer' button there is no longer the option to turn the computer off after scanning nor a chance to change the speed of the scan although I believe that both options are available within a 'scheduled Scan'.
Did you trial these changes to the interface since, to my mind, they are not a great improvement?
Hoping you can enlighten me further,
  • April 24, 2017
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Sarath Rajagopal(Avast)
Hi Wayne,
We apologize for the inconvenience and to disable the AVG protection part please go to the taskbar and right click on the AVG icon and disable the AVG. It will help you to disable the components in AVG Protection.
If you need any further assistance, please feel free to contact us. We are always here to help you with your issue.
Thank you.
  • April 24, 2017
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How To Temporarily Disable Antivirus

Wayne Allen
Hi Sarath,
Still no response as to whether it is possible to schedule a scan at computer switch on. I have accessed and right clicked the icon but sadly the 'Protection is ON' button will not allow me to turn it off!! Why did the features that I am enquiring about work so easily and seamlessly in the old version but not now?
Is it now time for me leave AVG after many happy years?
  • April 25, 2017
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Gunaseelan Gurusamy(Avast)
Hello Wayne,
We regret to hear about the inconvenience caused. Please follow the below instructions to disable AVG components :
Open AVG Zen -> Click on Anti-Virus Free -> Click on 'Menu' -> Settings -> Disable all components (Resident Shield, Software Analyzer, Email Protection (Drag the green colored option to left to turn off the component, it will be in Red color once disabled, then click disable Until restart)).
You can schedule a scan when your computer is on, the Full computer scan doesn't have option for shutting down after scan. However, the scheduled scan has the option to shut down the computer after scan. Hope it helps. Please, feel free to let us know if you require any further assistance.
  • April 25, 2017
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Wayne Allen
Hi Gunasaleen,
Got there eventually on 'disable' but it does not allow me to drag the green coloured component option to the left but I found out by accident that hovering over this green button and then left clicking presents me with the options that I am after.
Still no response on how to set AVG up to always scan at computer switch on. This is not so much a concern for me but more for my wife who is very lackadaisical about remembering to regularly scan. How do I set up for a scan at computer switch on?
With your newer version I am at a loss to understand why you have made it less easy to access my requirements than on your previous interface and having to go into 'scheduling' if you want your computer to switch off after the scan rather than the 'one button' option on the last interface. Progress??
Please, please don't tell me that you have dropped the option of a scan at computer switch on since I do not believe that I am a lone voice in finding this useful where you have less 'computer aware' people using devices.
Fingers crossed,
  • April 25, 2017
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How To Temporarily Disable Instagram

Wayne Allen
There does not seem to have been any response to my query concerning the possibility of having AVG run a scan at computer switch on. A reply would be much appreciated - thanks.
Kind Regards,
  • April 30, 2017
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