How To Exclude Hidden Files From Avast For Mac

So instead of launching Avast Mac Security, click on Uninstall Avast. Learn 2 ways how to uninstall Avast correctly. You can use the Avast removal tool App Cleaner or Delete Avast manually.

  1. How To Exclude Hidden Files From Avast For Mac Review
  2. How To Show Hidden Files
  3. Hidden Files Registry
  4. How To View Hidden Files
  1. When I work with files on the drive or copy files to the drive, some hidden files are created. Most of these files start with dot-dash._ and then the filename of the original file, like:._test001.png._test002.png._test003.png.
  2. Go ahead and click on the + button at the bottom left and select the folder you want to exclude. As you can see here, I have excluded the Virutal Machines folder that is created by VMWare Fusion. This saves me a lot of CPU processing as that folder contains gigabytes worth of data that I will never need to search on.
  3. Do not show hidden files and folders will hide the files and folders with the hidden attribute turned on. Show hidden files and folders will let you see the hidden files and folders. Click or tap OK at the bottom of the Folder Options window.
  4. More Tips on Antivirus Deleted Files Recovery. Apart from Windows PC, antivirus could be running on other devices, such as Mac machines and mobile phone. Therefore, you might be one of people who are going to recover antivirus deleted files of Mac and phone.
  5. Your Mac creates hidden.DS_Store files whenever it browses to a new directory. These files store handy metadata and layout information, but if you're using a network drive shared with Windows.
  6. Exclude='.*' works and excludes hidden FILES. If you want to exclude hidden directories:--exclude '.*/' I use it on a daily basis for backups.
Active2 years, 2 months ago

I use OS X Mavericks and have some company storage drives mounted (using smb or cfs).(smb:// I work with files on the drive or copy files to the drive, some hidden files are created. Most of these files start with dot-dash ._ and then the filename of the original file, like:

And most of the times, the famous ._.DS_Store and .DS_Store are also there.

On my Mac, these . dot items are invisible, but my windows colleagues do see these files. How can I prevent OS X from making these strange invisible files?

On (and other internet sources) you can find a 'defaults write' to disable the creation of .DS_Store files on your network drives. But this does not work in Mavericks:

For now I use this oneliner, but doing a rm -rf does feel wrong in this case.

Edit: I don't want to delete the files or exclude them from copying. I want them not to be created in the first place.

Edit: I prefer a 'native' OS X solution over third party apps.

Edit: This questions has two answers, one for the ._ files and one for the .DS_Store files. The bounty is rewarded for dot_clean, this native command line app cleans all ._ files. Unfortunately is does not clear the .DS_Store files, this can effectively be done with Asepsis. Asepsis stores .DS_Stores in a fixed location, and not in the folder itself.

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8 Answers


I will admit, I hadn't noticed that the defaults write command stopped working in Mavericks.However, when I DO clean network mounts, instead of your one liner find and rm, I use this:

The manfile explains:

I don't use the -m flag, but you may find it helpful in your situation.

Here is another person actively trying to stop .DS_Store files from being created: - looks like he doesn't want them on drives as much as he doesn't want them on the network!


Just tried, and this does work in Mavericks (at least for disabling .DS_Store not network shares):

You just need to remember to restart Finder as well:


The ._ files are AppleDouble files that are used to store metadata like extended attributes, ACLs, file flags, and resource forks.

To delete them, run:

You can see if files have extended attributes, ACLs, or file flags with ls -l@eO. The ._ files are usually created because files have extended attributes. You can use xattr -c to delete extended attributes or chmod -N to delete ACLs. cp -X and rsync copy files without extended attributes, ACLs, file flags, or resource forks.

81.9k12 gold badges175 silver badges241 bronze badges

As you would have to disable writing of hidden files on every Mac that could connect to your share, a better option would be to stop this at the share and not on the clients.

All you need to do is to edit your share config (for example in Linux in /etc/samba/smb.conf) and add the following option into your share config:

Now no Mac clients can save any files with those patterns to your share.

31.8k7 gold badges49 silver badges70 bronze badges

I have not tried this myself, and I realize the OP prefers native solutions, but nonetheless:

There's an app called Asepsis that works by redirecting creation of those files into a special folder, i.e. in a way preventing them from appearing.

57k14 gold badges119 silver badges168 bronze badges

Not a native solution, nor does it actually prevent these files being written, but it does actively chase after them & delete as soon as they are written…

How To Exclude Hidden Files From Avast For Mac Review

BlueHarvest automatically removes .DS_Store and ._ AppleDouble files from your USB keys, SD cards, music players, file servers or any non Mac disk. BlueHarvest removes these items as they’re created or modified so you’ll always be metadata free without you needing to lift a finger.

No affiliation, I've just been using it quite successfully for several years.

65.3k15 gold badges109 silver badges209 bronze badges

As far as I know you can not prevent that these files will be created. At least the Finder will create them.

Deleting these files will not help too - because the next time you access the volume and its folders on Mac, the Finder will create them again.

How To Show Hidden Files

I am astonished that your Windows colleagues see these files. I am working for many years now with my Mac using Mac and Windows - and I never see these files. Neither on Mac nor on Windows.

These files are marked as 'hidden' by default, and will not appear if you have Windows set to hide hidden files and folders.


I found a very easy and free way to get rid go ._ files, especially from an external fat32 HD.

Hidden Files Registry

Launch OnyX (free software). From Utilities, go to AppleDouble, select... the folder. Thats it!!!

How To Exclude Hidden Files From Avast For Macnohillside

How To View Hidden Files

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Mariano RocchiMariano Rocchi

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